The thing about Shakespeare is funny to me, because I don't know if you follow Kevin Smith at all, (I only watch his Fatman Beyond podcast with Marc Bernardin) but he has mentioned time and again that all his corporate overlords ever asked of him was to treat the source material with respect, like it's Shakespeare, if you will. Literally in those words. And the way he talks about it, he's totally confident that he nailed the assignment.
And you see it most in the monologuing from Skeletor and Hordak, the waxing poetic and the groan-inducing alliteration. I don't know, did these guys do that a lot in the old show? I don't remember. To be clear, I'm not saying it is Shakespeare, just that I think Smith believes that's what he's accomplished here.
I did like how Hordak snorted derisively at Skeletor at one point, that was a nice touch. And I did genuinely laugh at a couple jokes, I just don't recall what they were at the moment. One of them was one from He-Man towards the end of the fifth episode.
You mentioned the Snake Men, and I did like what they did with Teela in regards to that. I don't know if you ever had any of those mini-comics they used to pack in with the figures, but one of the earliest ones had that green-skinned Teela character, and I'm not sure she was even referred to as Teela at that point, to be honest. But then later when she got her own toy, they mostly kept that same design (albeit with the swapped out skin tone) complete with her cobra hood and scepter.
Also, seeing Rio Blast and Snout Spout animated was pretty sick, even if they were purely visual and inconsequential as actual characters.
And from the way Kevin talks about it, it sounds like Revolution is being very well received. He sounds hopeful that they'll get to do more.