Wow! Did you actually get it when it came out? You only would have been 10 or 11, yeah?
I can just imagine Schmoo finding it tucked under your mattress and confronting you with it, "Why do you have this?!" 
Nah, your mom's probably cooler than that. 
Either Merla bought it and gave it to me or I bought it as a back issue. In fact, looking at the years here, one of us had to have gotten it as a back issue. XTAS got both of us into the X-Men and that was 1992. We weren't buying before then. I got rid of most of my comics anyway so I don't have X-anything anymore.
And Merla actually collected Marvel comics first. It was never super extensive but she had a couple of boxes of stuff. She had the Scott/Jean wedding issue, she had issues of the Wolverine solo comic, and the 1993 Gambit mini. She also collected, like, X-caliber or something. One of those other x-teams. And the one with the gay Canadian? (Looked it up: Alpha Flight)
I loved Rogue so I liked to collect stuff with Rogue--like her solo run. But we never overlapped what we got so if she had it, I didn't get it and vice versa. I have no idea what she still owns if anything. I'm sure she got rid of most of them.
But as Merla's a true Gambit/Rogue shipper since 1992, she does still have
that issue. It's actually hanging in her bedroom right now. It has been for years, possibly ever since she originally bought it.
And for the record, she has no interest in X-men 97 with a Rogue-less dead Gambit. You don't kill her man!