I watched some of Love, Death & Robots. I like to watch Poppen Atelier's doll repainting videos on YouTube and she did one of the siren from "Jibaro" so I went and watched that episode and a few more. I'm not really into the level of gore or sex in some of these. I do appreciate them on a technical level.
Sonnie's Edge was uncomfortably cringey. Supposedly, in the story it was based off of, Sonnie drove drunk and fucked herself up. She was never assaulted. Which to me makes it a way better story than playing into the "got raeped and I'm tuff nao" icky-ass trope. I suppose you could come away with the implication that her back story was made up but to have her laugh at Dicko and admit her situation was a moment of shitty judgement on her part would've been the better ending imo than what we got.
For "The Witness," the naked dancing and the guy getting felt up by the latex-chicks bored me. Like the whole story was just the set up for a fetish animation.
"Bad Traveling" was really good.
I don't think I'll watch all of these, but I think I'll chell out a few more that interest me.