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Re: What Vidya Games R UZ Play'N?
« Reply #780 on: Mar 25, 2022, 08:40:46 PM »
I replayed Uncharted 4 after getting an upgraded version...I'll likely play through UC: Lost Legacy again for the same reason, but I'm Uncharted out for the nonce. I'm playing some Ratchet and Clank as a nice palette cleanser, at which point I'll probably go ahead and tackle Miles Morales, as the remastered version of Spider-man was the first game I played through on the PS5.
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Re: What Vidya Games R UZ Play'N?
« Reply #781 on: Apr 02, 2022, 07:19:34 PM »
TUNIC had my undivided attention for about two weeks. My friends finally decided they didn't want to play Warframe every week so we're alternating between Sea of Thieves and playing old Halo campaigns once a week. May also do Streets of Rage 4 and the Turtles collection (whenever that releases). I've also been playing Kentucky Route Zero and I'm like teetering on a line between hating it and loving it.
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Re: What Vidya Games R UZ Play'N?
« Reply #782 on: Apr 06, 2022, 01:47:35 PM »
Just realized a) I had but never played the Batman Return to Arkham collection for PS4, b) I never really got too far in Arkham Asylum when I had it on PC, and c) PS5 is backwards compatible with PS4 (duh). So I'm playing through Arkham Asylum.
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Re: What Vidya Games R UZ Play'N?
« Reply #783 on: Jun 13, 2022, 06:18:56 PM »
Looking forward to this one:

And this:

« Last Edit: Jun 13, 2022, 07:10:24 PM by joerammstein »

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Re: What Vidya Games R UZ Play'N?
« Reply #784 on: Jul 10, 2022, 03:40:45 AM »
I've been playing fortnite every single night until 1-2am. Now I have undereye....hmm how do you call it when your eyes look sunken due to lack of sleep? its the opposite of eye bags... Anyways yes. I didn't think I could get into a game this hard lol (haven't even played AC in at least a year). I'm waiting for the John Wick skin :3


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Re: What Vidya Games R UZ Play'N?
« Reply #785 on: Jul 10, 2022, 08:57:22 AM »
I've been playing fortnite every single night until 1-2am. Now I have undereye....hmm how do you call it when your eyes look sunken due to lack of sleep? its the opposite of eye bags...

Eye hollows or sunken eyes.


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Re: What Vidya Games R UZ Play'N?
« Reply #786 on: Aug 04, 2022, 11:20:41 AM »
Not playing any games right now.

But posting this with no context because I want to:


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Re: What Vidya Games R UZ Play'N?
« Reply #787 on: Aug 04, 2022, 03:34:59 PM »
I've had the first Somnium Files for ages now, and I've barely touched it due to my utter loathing of imposed time limits in games.

Could have been a chill VN-like experience, but nope, gotta add stress to the mix.

Speaking of VN-like experiences, I've been playing Digimon Survive the last few nights, and I'm liking it so far.


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Re: What Vidya Games R UZ Play'N?
« Reply #788 on: Aug 04, 2022, 03:56:08 PM »
The sominums, you mean? Granted I've only watched others play it but it looks like you could keep failing the sominums until you find the right solutions. Unless you mean the QTEs. Because those sure as hell don't appeal to me.

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Re: What Vidya Games R UZ Play'N?
« Reply #789 on: Aug 04, 2022, 05:31:07 PM »
I finally downloaded all the Call of Duty game I bought a year ago but couldn't play because it required something like 100gbs of downloaded files (yay for Starlink). But it was so much damn trouble--signing up for multiple ancillary accounts, downloading like a half dozen separate components and then updates to each--I decided that if the game is as involved as its installation then I'm better off not fooling with it. If I can't pop the disc in and play it, or download, install, and play, then it can fuck right off. I am not a game whore who has the patience to twiddle around with shit like this anymore, if I ever was.
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Re: What Vidya Games R UZ Play'N?
« Reply #790 on: Aug 04, 2022, 06:15:42 PM »
The sominums, you mean? Granted I've only watched others play it but it looks like you could keep failing the sominums until you find the right solutions. Unless you mean the QTEs. Because those sure as hell don't appeal to me.

This is precisely my problem, though. It essentially means all exploration and puzzle-solving is on a timer, requiring you to repeat sections of the game potentially multiple times until you eventually brute force your way through.

Depending on the activity in question, sometimes I don't even feel like doing that once, never mind over and over again.


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Re: What Vidya Games R UZ Play'N?
« Reply #791 on: Aug 04, 2022, 09:03:31 PM »
That's fair. At least you have the game. I just watch other people play it. It's not the somniums that dissuade me but the QTEs and some of the dialogue and interactions feel bloated.  At least if someone else plays, I can fast-forward through the cringe and pornomag gags and whatnot. And this isn't really that spoilery to say but I would've liked to see more growth from the characters into the sequel. Like Date and Mizuki having a proper father/daughter relationship. But previous game characters feel a bit stagnant then other stuff gets retconned. Bleh. I was surprised to find I actually liked Ryuki and Tama in the sequel. I didn't think I would.


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Re: What Vidya Games R UZ Play'N?
« Reply #792 on: Aug 04, 2022, 11:05:25 PM »
Spoil away. I doubt I'll ever get back around to it. I see a lot of people talk about having "backlogs" of games to play through, but for me, if I bought a game and never bothered to finish it, it's probably because it didn't hold my interest.

As you say, this is probably one that I'd have a much better time watching than actually playing myself.


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Re: What Vidya Games R UZ Play'N?
« Reply #793 on: Aug 04, 2022, 11:40:51 PM »
Evo starts tomorrow!


It's like Christmas in August.


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Re: What Vidya Games R UZ Play'N?
« Reply #794 on: Aug 05, 2022, 01:21:39 AM »
Regarding the AI Somnium Files games, I think the beginnings of both games are the weakest parts. I actually gave up watching them both the first go-round because I was bored by the beginnings of them. But one of the streamers I like to watch was getting into them so I'd come back to a future stream to see how things were going and got hooked on the later story elements. This literally happened over a year apart. I had the exact same reaction to each game.

The first game's the stronger story but the weaker somniums. I enjoyed Poledoo (Oodelop), Materwelonz, and Millbeeful's playthroughs.

So I'm gonna rant a bit and spoil some stuff... just some of my issues with the story-telling in the game. In summary, I actually do enjoy the overall story and most of the characters within the game. If I didn't, I wouldn't be watching multiple playthroughs of both games. But there are issues here that hamper the enjoyment a bit.


The pr0n-loving, semi-amnesiac protag of the first game, Date, has all of these interpersonal relationships that could've been further developed in the second game: with adoptive daughter Mizuki, who's upset at him and wants to kick his ass; with former girlfriend Hitomi, a lonely teacher; with Hitomi's airheaded idol daughter Iris; and with his investigation partner AI eyeball the sassy Aiba. Those are the significant relationships. In a twist worthy of Shyamalan, Date even finds out he's not even in his real body in the first game. He's in the villain's body, who is the psychopathic son of a powerful politician. The first game ends with the villain dead and Date in his real body celebrating with all of his friends.

Second game...
-After getting his original body back in the first game, Date... dresses up in the same clothes and wears a mask of the villains' face in the new game. In other words, his appearance and voice is 100% identical to how he was in the villain's body.
-Date gets amnesia again. For six years. He has literally spent more time having amnesia than he's actually spent with his adoptive daughter. How does she even consider him a father at this point?
-Mizuki is still upset at Date and still wants to kick Date's ass. The relationship never softens or becomes more familiar. This is extra disappointing because the first game has a non-canon route where they get very close and form a bond. So we got to see what could've been.
-Since Date has amnesia again, his poor girlfriend gets abandoned again.
-Date literally goes Super Saiyan off of pr0n, pervs on his girlfriend's daughter watermelon vids, and asks his AI eyeball to stream pr0n to his brain. I get that it's his schtick but it was already overdone in the first game.

I think Spike Chunsoft didn't want to spoil potential new players to the first game so didn't bother changing much. But this stagnates the world in exchange. Honestly, I like Date but he should've been written out of the game if they were gonna do this. Streamers I watched were all happy to see him re-appear so I accept I'm an outlier. But he didn't add much of anything to the game. If anything though, I would've loved to see him in his original body with his girlfriend and bonded with his adoptive daughter and potential step-daughter. But instead let's, uh, keep him a drunk creep!

And this doesn't get into the game itself. The second game has the stronger somniums. They're very creative and engaging in telling the story. However, the story itself is weaker. It's a weak story with strong characters. Except for the villain. I found him lame.

First game villain:

-literally sick in the head due to a chemical imbalance
-also crazy in general (killed animals, murdered people as a child)
-also came from a rich, connected family so used privilege to get away with his past crimes
-had additional motivation against the protag specifically because the protag cop has his body
-sicko wants his body back and killed people close to protag for this reason
-is intelligent and activity tricks others and makes shit happen

Second game villain:

-literal-who orphan harvested for organs; he's technically the first villain's half-brother but that fact has no meaning or consequence in the game
-believes the world is a simulation and wants to be free of it so decides to be evil or something; i don't get it tbh
-splits people in half so that others can figure out coordinates so he can show them a rocket launching at a stadium that he already told others was going to be launching at the stadium???
-has no personal vendetta against main characters and barely interacts with them
-has armies of paid goons at his disposal at all times to do whatever he wants them to do even when he's dead
-kills approximately one person we're actually capable of feeling sorry for
-rips off Zero from Zero Time Dilemma with a shitty mask and voice changer

Maybe I shouldn't be writing this out. Maybe I should make one of those chad/virgin meme pictures. :lol:

The game also has a protag issue.  Instead of bonding with Date and Aiba like in the first game, we have three protags and two eyeballs to split time with and it makes the level of investment that much harder.  Ryuki's the strongest one out of the three just because of the shit he's going through. We get to see him going crazy but are given no resolution other than a glorified pep talk at the end of the game. It would've been nicer for the player to get to work through Ryuki's trauma.



The game does the worst thing they could've done: a tertiary character delivers the big twist of the game by directly spoonfeeding the player specifically. In retrospect, it was a really cool twist. The music, the mood, the delivery was also all A+. But the fact that it's delivered this way ruins the investment within the story itself. There is no journey with a main character learning this twist. The twist of the last game was discovered together with Date and Aiba. The main characters of the second game don't even need to learn of the twist here because the twist was only against the player of this game to ONLY fool the player of the game.

I mean, Ryuki is playable for almost half the game and he's losing his mind. It would've had more impact to have the character losing his mind regain his sanity and with it reveal the game's twist. Then it'd be the player AND Ryuki experiencing it together. Instead, Ryuki is effectively written out for the latter portion of the game despite being the only playable character for the first part of it. So the player gets blueballed when it comes to learning what's going on with Ryuki.

Take from all of this what you will.


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Re: What Vidya Games R UZ Play'N?
« Reply #795 on: Aug 08, 2022, 07:34:15 PM »
Tacking onto my novel above but clones of people wearing the exact same clothing ruined another good twist in the second AI game. The game could've easily just done two different outfits. Maybe even throw a coat on the older one so you'd think the scenes with the younger one were just the character having removed her coat.

I criticize this one so much because it could've easily been better. I'm this harsh and verbose on shit I hate and shit I like and this is the latter.

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Re: What Vidya Games R UZ Play'N?
« Reply #796 on: Aug 12, 2022, 11:30:54 AM »

Eye hollows or sunken eyes.
Ah yes thanks! Eye hollows. Might also be because I lost a lot of weight... but I blame it on staying until 2am every night playing this darn addictive game.


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Re: What Vidya Games R UZ Play'N?
« Reply #797 on: Aug 13, 2022, 09:58:42 PM »
Anyone playing Cult of the Lamb? I like resource management type stuff and all but this looks more fun for Twitch streamers to sacrifice their followers than it does to play solo with rando followers.


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Re: What Vidya Games R UZ Play'N?
« Reply #798 on: Aug 14, 2022, 01:17:21 PM »
Does it actually work like that? Twitch integration where it populates your game with people in the chat?

Resource management is another thing I loathe in video games, so CotL is likely something I'll never touch.

Unless it ends up on Game Pass at some point, then I'll probably download it and play it for an hour.

I know I'm a cynical asshole, but it kind of seems like just another Flavor of the Week game. Much like Stray.


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Re: What Vidya Games R UZ Play'N?
« Reply #799 on: Aug 15, 2022, 10:06:36 AM »
Does it actually work like that? Twitch integration where it populates your game with people in the chat?

You don't have to use it and can use randos, but, yeah. It's only for Twitch streamers and viewers on pc. The streamer can start a raffle and viewer can opt into it. If you win, you customize your little animal and you're a member of the cult that the streamer can use to their whim. Your Twitch name will hover over your character's head the entire time.

It doesn't appear that a Twitch viewer can join more than one cult though. I joined one cult on Friday (technically Saturday) and I'm watching a different guy right now. On this other's guy stream, I have no option to try and join his cult. But I don't know if there's options that can be changed around like only allowing subs to join. And I haven't tried a third stream to see if I have an option there.

Your character also doesn't live very long unless the streamer gifts you a special necklace. I'll be dying at the beginning of the first guy's stream tonight. He got me at the end of his Friday stream, I lived his entire Saturday stream but became old. My character's in their forties and hobbling around with a fucking cane. Feels too real.

I know I'm a cynical asshole, but it kind of seems like just another Flavor of the Week game. Much like Stray.

Probably. I enjoyed watching a couple of folks play Stray but there's nothing left afterwards. The game's over and has no reason to stick around. Doesn't help that Stray's super short either.

Also, CotL is currently plagued with bugs. Several which softlock the game. There's supposed to be three functions of the Twitch extension: Twitch pc followers into cultists; Twitch totem pole giving streamer prizes; and Help/Hinder where you can aid or fuck-up the stream. On Friday, the totem pole wasn't working for the dude I was watching but we could Help/Hinder all night. Then on Saturday, the totem pole worked but there was no Help/Hinder. The different guy I'm watching now is getting neither. So that's a real mixed bag. Help/Hinder is super fun, too, so it's a bit boring when it's gone.


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Re: What Vidya Games R UZ Play'N?
« Reply #800 on: Oct 01, 2022, 09:52:32 PM »
Coming back into this thread, I was reminded of Cult of the Lamb. Almost feels like the excitement died pretty quickly. It was fun to watch a couple of people play this but it had low difficultly, samey combat, and almost no variation in the story. The entertainment value was mainly from the Twitch followers joining the cult and getting killed or made to fight one another. But that aspect was broken or/and glitched which put a damper on the fun.

I've been watching some playthroughs of the Forgotten City and I think I might pick this up and try it for myself. If only because I haven't seen a single YouTuber other than a speed-runner choose the option that gives you a gun. "I'll go Archaeologist for the lore." No, that's boring and you don't get enough extra lore that it ever means anything. YOU COULD'VE HAD A GUN.

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Re: What Vidya Games R UZ Play'N?
« Reply #801 on: Oct 02, 2022, 08:52:03 PM »
I'm not interested in anything that isn't God of War Ragnarok at this point.
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Re: What Vidya Games R UZ Play'N?
« Reply #802 on: Oct 03, 2022, 10:27:43 PM »
I'll say it, I preferred the God of War series when it was just Devil May Cry Lite. Now it's this over-the-shoulder, open-world, loot/crafting-based, "prestige" dad-sim abomination.

And I'm certain it's making Sony way more money now than it ever did back then.

That being said, the old formula had definitely grown stale. I don't think I ever finished Ascension.


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Re: What Vidya Games R UZ Play'N?
« Reply #803 on: Oct 20, 2022, 02:39:21 PM »
I've started my foray into Fire Emblem Binding Blade. I wanted to play The Forgotten City like in my earlier post but my computer's being a bit funny and I'd like the game to be on sale.

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Re: What Vidya Games R UZ Play'N?
« Reply #804 on: Oct 20, 2022, 06:34:12 PM »
I'm all in for the new Dad of War game. The last one was likely my favorite of the previous gen games (though I admittedly played Spiderman more thanks to the trickled DLC).
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Re: What Vidya Games R UZ Play'N?
« Reply #805 on: Oct 21, 2022, 03:04:30 AM »
I'm a fickle fuck, I'll end up playing it at some point, no doubt. I'll probably slide the difficulty all the way down so I can grease my way through it, though. I'm at the point in my life where I just can't tolerate having to replay sections of a game anymore. Fuck that noise.

Playing Luigi's Mansion 3 right now, and dying on bosses is like some shit outta the stone age. They send you to a "You Lose" cinematic (skippable), followed by a Game Over screen that lasts entirely too long, followed by dumping you into the room before the boss. Then you have to reenter the boss room and guess what? Rewatch the unskippable boss intro cinematic, fucker!

Doesn't help that most of the later bosses are puzzles with non-obvious solutions on a casual run, so trial and error becomes a fucking obnoxious nightmare.

I'm guessing if I hadn't turned hints off they'd probably be spelling out the win conditions to me every 15 seconds, but that's hardly what I'd call fun, either.


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Re: What Vidya Games R UZ Play'N?
« Reply #806 on: Oct 21, 2022, 03:27:46 PM »
Fuck me, the Forgotten City was on sale on Steam for 14.99. The sale ended yesterday. That's what I get for not regularly checking my email or whatever.


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Re: What Vidya Games R UZ Play'N?
« Reply #807 on: Oct 23, 2022, 09:06:52 AM »
Getting into Fire Emblem Binding Blade, I think I understand now why a lot of the Fire Emblem players I watch on YouTube are so dismissive of the story elements. I'm not the least bit engaged in the story. But the gameplay is really fun.


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Re: What Vidya Games R UZ Play'N?
« Reply #808 on: Oct 23, 2022, 08:30:43 PM »
I watched a Let's Play of Beacon Pines. I liked the aesthetic and the plot and presentation seemed interesting. Discovering new "charms" (I think that's what they're called) by exploring options is cool. What's weird though is even though there's a decidedly kiddie story-time feel to this, the characters say "shit" more than a handful of times. It feels like a strange choice. The cursing gave me a chuckle once because "shit" gets used in the gameplay mechanic. But it felt unnecessary. I think mainly because it begs the question: what audience is this game for?

It's not as if content for kids can't have cursing in it. But it's kinda closing off a portion of your audience if you want children to be the main audience. And the game also feels too safe and clean for adult and teen players. It's an adventure starring kid characters behaving and reacting in the way kids do. The art was pretty. I think it would've been a better game if these kids were dealing with ghosts or monsters or something like that.


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Re: What Vidya Games R UZ Play'N?
« Reply #809 on: Oct 27, 2022, 08:24:14 PM »
Well I’m in the process of downloading overwatch too. I gave that a couple weeks for them to work out the bugs hopefully they did. I’m actually a little shocked I’m doing this because I only started playing overwatch because an ex girlfriend got me into that and the though our relationship only lasted eight months The one thing I took away from it was overwatch which we played together. So I played overwatch about three more years longer than we were together. But it’s some thing I probably should put behind me and just not play but we’re gonna give it another shot.