Going back to the convo a few pages back, I haven't gotten into Firefly yet either. I've seen a few episodes and while it's different and quirky and somewhat interesting, I wouldn't say it's the best thing ever. I own the movie though, and think that's great.
Last night there was some crap on named after some guy named Oscar. I didn't bother watching it though because syndicated SG1 was on.
Last week ended with the episode where Anubis attacks earth and it was mostly predictable, save for the moment where the old Jaffa guy (what's his name again?) got stabbed. I never thought such an awesome old warrior like him would die. But then O'neill had some sort of healing touch that kinda ruined the drama.
And then the Promethus ran out of ammo (seriously?!!) and Hammond was all casually like "Ram Anubis' ship". And the way he said it was so chalant and non-serious that he could have been talking about taking out the trash. "Oh, where are you going" "just to take out the trash and kill myself by ramming my ship into Anubis' ship..." So probably the most non-exciting season ender I've seen.
But then this week I missed the episode that explained how Jack got out of his Ancient freeze chamber and only saw the next one, where Thor picks up the team to help with the Replicators and some curly-haired emo-boy Replicator dude that looks like the lead singer of Green Day gets this freakish obsessive crush on Sam.