I saw the Scott Pilgrim flick the other night. It was...cute. But one-watch-only cute. Don't see what the big deal is, neither the nerd-love nor the Faye-hate.
I download comics, since the only way to know what's going on is to read mass quantities of them. And I can't afford that. I only buy the main IDW Transformers book right now, and occasionally something else, but most comics, like joe says, are terrible now...despite their full color glossy stocked special artist cover variants.
Therefore, like Rama, I wish they'd go back to being simpler (re: less expensive) luxuries. When you pay $4 for a book, you're going to hoard it, and I'm out of money AND room for them at this point. If they were 75¢ like when I was a kid, maybe they could be selling 100,000 of a popular title a week again, instead of the 10,000 they're lucky to get today. And if they were more all-ages, maybe then I could recommend comics to kids...something I can't do nowadays.
You pay for what you get? Don't think so: most of the art sucks, and almost laminated magazine pages don't contribute to a story. I didn't need that crap back then when I got into comics, and I don't need it now. I'd still rather pull out an old Mort Weisenberg or Curt Swan-drawn Bronze-Age Superman book and read it today than the crap that passes for Superman now. And who the hell could beat Neal Adams or Jim Aparo on Batman?