All righty here, so finished Tsubasa Reservoir Chronicle's second season. I only stuck with it because Merla did and I didn't suffer that much considering I could fast forward through 90% of the thing, which is repetitive trash. The main couple, Sakura and Syaoran, just aren't interesting. Those characters do nothing for me (on their own or together). They don't even inspire revulsion. It's like watching two bricks interacting. If all of the episodes were more like #32 "A Date With a Wizard" or the episode where we learn about Kurogane's past, this would be an A series for sure. Alas, no.
I watched Jyu-Oh-Sei on Hulu. The reviews I read seem to put it down, primarily the ending, even though the consensus appear to be that it starts well and has potential. One reviewer's website in particular went on about how supposedly stupid JOS was but then went on to praise Wolf's Rain. Fucking Wolf's Rain. Granted, I liked Wolf's Rain. Didn't love it, but liked it. You'd think anyone that liked one series with a wonky ending would like another. If JOS was reminiscent of any other anime series, it's Wolf's Rain. JOS's even shorter at 11 eps, so it should get points for not wasting your time. Granted the female characters in JOS are pathetic jokes, which makes me wonder if whoever wrote the story has ever interacted with a woman before. All in all, it's not bad.
I've currently picked up Peach Girl again. I wasn't keen with the idea of sticking with Peach Girl via Netflix over a series of weeks as each disc arrives from my queue, but since it's on Hulu and I can watch it at my leisure, I'll go ahead and see how it ends.
I've also been watching Fullmetal Alchemist Brotherhood, granted I've been skipping around episodes so I've only seen five or so episodes from the available fifteen or so. I like the old art from the first series better. The differences are subtle in most respects, but it's there: The colored outline of the hair, the odd way they sort of deform (especially Ed), the sleeker less cuter look of some of the characters (it's in some of the faces).