I can't believe you ppl are having these kind of reactions to the fact that I didn't like your precious Redline. (Not even "hate", btw.) What does it matter to you if I don't like it? Do you enjoy it less or something? Would you rather I lied to you? "Tee hee! Redline was magnificent! " Here, I'll post on it further and you can cry some more:
Anime: it's serious business

Besides, I'm not the one who posted an 11-line rebuttal!
But as I seemed to irritate you more than intended, I'll respond in kind...and more kindly.
I thought it was generally ugly-looking as far as designs go. Characters and all.
Aliens are generally going to be ugly. I appreciated that they didn't go totally stereotypical anime-style on this movie, as anime itself is sort of passé these days.
I dug the color palette.
Agreed. It was different. But good different.
I liked Sonoshee. What little I saw of her anyway.
Don't know how you based this on fifteen or so minutes of viewing, but anyway. While it was really JP's story, I'd have liked to have seen more of her and her backstory, too. Admittedly, I felt we saw a tad too much of her later on...while a titty-flash is simple anime fan service, for a flick specifically designed by its director to appeal to American viewers, such a scene diminishes the potential audience. It doesn't matter how totally casual it was.
The story bored me. In fact, the main character guy looked as bored half the time as I felt.
JP is a laid-back goof who gets off on racing. He shows more passion down the line.
I don't want to see characters doing gross shit like wiping coke on his teeth or whatever the fuck that was. Gross. Don't want it.
Eh, mobsters do gross stuff. It's hardly the grossest thing I saw in the movie (the spaghetti worms were more gross to me...and to Sonoshee

The animation was weird in a way that almost made me nauseous. I appreciate it's differences but that's the limit.
Good thing you stopped when you did, because the Redline race was far more epic in this regard. The hurried feeling the animation conveyed was one reason I found it so great, particularly in HD and surround sound. I found everything going on visually to be exhilarating.
I quit the movie but picked up the OST afterwards because I kinda liked the music.
Good move...the score really fit the flick.
And I DO have to care to watch something. If I can't care at all, then there's no point in watching it.
I definitely know how that is...I just wanted to give you a hard time for it. I don't even bother watching most stuff people recommend to me.
Hey, it's the first time I've been here in a few months. Shit needed stirring