Guy comes into the Bookstore carrying this little dog. In his arms, very small. Guy puts dog on the floor, Dog walks around guys legs. Customer trying to walk past freezes.
Customer: ::Obviously afraid of Dogs:: Hey man, you need to pick up your dog.
Guy: You know, Dog's can smell fear.
Customer: Man, you need to pick up your dog.
Guy: You need to establish dominance, otherwise the dog's going to bite you.
This goes on for a few minutes
Chick Register Person next to me: Sir, you need to pick up your dog.
Guy ignores her, continues talking to the customer about establishing dominance.
Chick Register Person: Sir! You need to pick up your dog!
Guy ignores her.
I got his attention.
Me: Sir, you need to pick up your dog, NOW!
Real authoritative like, deep voice, very loud.
Guy: Okay!
He then scoops up the dog real quick like. I turn to the Register chick next to me.
Me: See, it's all about establishing Dominance with the Human owner....
We crack up for about frive minutes.