Wait, wait, wait. Tom Hanks does an accent? He tries to be Italian or something? Ha ha, that shit's too funny.
And, no, we didn't talk about the non-"cricket tits" Disney version. At least not in this thread. I thought I had posted a comment or something about people shittin' themselves over the black Blue Fairy. Although I heard she was barely in the movie so whatever. I watched a clip of it and she appears so out of place. And I don't mean her race. Her look and her sound... it's like it'd suit a modern retelling of the story more so than a remake of the Disney animated version. Just crib the damn look you already had, you wankers. Get this same actress and do everything except the blonde hair. And the colors in the scene are so dark. She's a fairy. Give her some more light.
Pinnocks-nocks and our boy Jim looked like pure ass BTW. Why bother having a live-action version of the story and then animate them like they were pulled out of the cartoon? This looks like a student project or experimental short film going by the clip. If I didn't know about this movie, I wouldn't have thought it was a piece of an actual Disney film. Yikes on bikes.