squirrel has been rockin that .gif forever.
The GIF I was using, I made. Either someone ripped me off or happened to have the same idea which is not exactly unconscionable. In any case, Girls Bravo is one of my favorites based, if you ignore the rampant ecchi-ness of it, on Fukuyama, who I am convinced is the Japanese adaptation of IDE for anime.
GTO is one of my favorites...so much so that I got all ten DVDs, all twenty-five manga volumes, and am currently waiting for the fifth (or fourth) huge early years manga volumes. Great, great show...it just kept ramping up further and further, though I'm glad the anime stopped where it did, because the manga began to get crappy after the Mayu intro.
Burst Angel...didn't care for it much. The fan service is about all I could see that it had going for it. Given that the only girl that they used for it (Meg) was such an insufferable bitch you'll want the guy to skull rape her earhole on a bi-hourly basis, that aspect of the show got real old, real fast. There was very little if any story, and the action was dull after the first volume. Big pass on that one.