The character. I've thought this for a long time. Which is why I'm a little upset that it wasn't the middle of winter in Gotham. But shit, Gotham could be on the lower east coast after al, and thus primarilly winterless. He could still instead believably be a Sun Virgo and a Rising Aquarius. Also, Christian Bale was born on January 30.
If you really wanna see an unintentional astrological allegory, watch Sideways. Jack and Miles are both very blatantly Geminis, albeit two very different types. Sephiroth's birthday is not listed in the manual to FF7, but I've done a hell of a lot of thinking on it over the past eight years and I believe his birthday would be in Capricorn I.
God Fucking ass damn it. Everybody post your birthday, including location and time. Just do it. :angry:
Do it.