I think this is as good of a time as any to begin bitching about the movie.
There will be spoilers ahead. Don't say I didn't warn you. If you still read even though I'm warning you not to if you haven't seen it, don't blame me, dumbass.
Non spoily opinion - Typically average special effects, good character development, nice lightsaber battles, acting slightly better than episode II but still not great, plot kinda shitty.
I said I liked the movie because it was character-centered, but hated it because there were too much character centeredness and not enough war. The first battle was like that. When the battle over Coruscant showed up, I was actually bored by it rather than excited because it focused ONLY on Anakin and Obi-wan, and then you have 30 minutes of them on the ship where they could have shown a LOT more of the battle outside. And what's with those turrents on the side of the ship that look like pirate ship guns?
The wookie battle suffered from the same problem. There wasn't enough fighting. I wanted to see more wookies ripping droids to pieces with their bare paws, dammit.
General Grevious had a serious case of the suck. He was a coward who ran away from every damn battle until Obi wan kicked his ass. His cough was annoying (does he even have lungs left?) and he sounded like a generic cartoon villian. He needed to die a lot sooner.
The jedi seemed to be really lacking in ass kicking lately. Three of them die instantly by Palpatine. A bunch of them get shot in the BACK. Mace Windu doesn't see Anakin's attack coming. What happened to forseeing an attack?
I found Pademe's death to be stupid. And it doesn't explain how later on, Leia says she has memories of her mother, unless she's talking about Organa's wife.
They sure seemed to be getting the Death Star started fast, but why did it take 20+ years to finish?
Speaking of the Jedi, they seem to be as big as a coward as Grevious. "Oh dear, the republic taken over, the sith have. Go into hiding we must." What, Obi Wan and Yoda aren't even going to attempt to fight back? Just run away and hide? Pussies.
When Palpatine took over the senate and made it an empire, and everyone cheered except Pademe and Organa, I thought that was so stupid. "We're gonna make this republic into a dictatorship. What do you think?" "Yay!" *everyone cheers and agrees* You would think that SOMEONE would protest. The senate is filled with people easy to brainwash.
They're relying too much on special effects these days, and it makes movies suck. Lord of the Rings used a lot, however, it probably succeded because he used GOOD actors and REAL props, horses, sets, and models, rather than shitty, fake looking CG sets and actors. I think Jackson offered to help direct Episode III, Lucass should have taken the offer.
The acting was kinda crappy in this one too. However, Hayden did a much better job acting this time around, now he wasn't a whiny bitch. And that was the problem. Now he's a mature and thoughtful person. He wants to do what's best for everybody. Before he kills Dooku, he says that killing him is wrong, but does it anyway. Before he kills Mace Windu, he says that killing is wrong, and prevents Mace from killing Palpatine, yet kills Mace. He acts like a good guy which makes his transformation to the dark side harder to believe. One second he's "I wanna do the right thing, the jedi thing," then a second later he's "Ok, I'm evil and I'm going to kill all the Jedi and a bunch of children as well, because I'm so badass." Why the fuck the sudden change?
"I've got the high ground." Oh come on, that had to be the lamest way to lose. Anakin could have blocked that so well, but instead he fails and gets his legs cut off. And then Obi Wan just leaves him there to burn to death. Ass. I'm now glad Vader kicks his ass in Episode 4. It's revenge for Obi being such a fucktastic friend.
Episode I suffered from a shitty Jar Jar, his shitty species, a lame plot, a stupid anakin that's not cute, but some cool battle scenes and Darth Maul kicked ass (they should have had him replace Jar Jar as a main character).
Episode II sucked because Anakin whined too damn much and the love story was fake and 1 dimensional, but the last 30-40 minutes kicked ass.
And now this.
Edit: Oh yea, I forgot. And I quote: