Also WHY am i unreliable? just because the ranger was complaining about me talking about vic mangina?
You know, I thought you were just being contentious before, but based on what you just referenced, you might really be an idiot if you think A) I was supporting or disputing anything you said or B) saying something you heard from someone and linking to fucking Encyclopedia Dramatica to support what you heard is a legitimate means of debate (for instance, when googled the meta reads, "the articles in this parody of an encyclopedia explain things in a funny and not necessarily correct way", and the front page currently hosts a picture of a Bambi sex toy).
You should drop this right now before you make an even bigger fool of yourself.
And I don't give a flying flip what the Arabs do. Sunday is the first day of the week. It's been that way practically forever, and way before those guys came on the scene. Or the international organization for standardization, for that matter. The only thing metric that doesn't suck are metric wrenches.