Yeah, just to annoy the LOLcat haters!

No powet until next week probably, but the temps are 80's during the day and low 60's at night. Can't wait to see the low electric bill next month!
Went through the storm fine, only to flood the next day because the damn media was so focused on Geraldo falling on his ass and how morons who didn't take this seriously didn't have no ice 'n' diapers that they FORGOT to advise that heavy rain bands were on the way and the bayou 2 miles from us had crested. Our high slab saved us again, plus us scooping water up into buckets and throwing it our open windows for almost 2 hours - water in the utility alcove and front study (enclosed porch) which are lower than the rest of the house. Bunch of 1970's comics ruined, plus damage to my baby book, my mom's baby book from 1927 and my grandparent's photo album from the 20's. I may do an art project with the half-destroyed items, and try to get it shown before everyone else's project with Ike salvage does.
Alicia in 1983 started about 6 AM; eye went over around 8:30 and we were done by 11. We started getting winds from Ike around midnight Friday, and it screamed until almost noon Saturday. No eye. Eddie was on the sofa and I was on the floor in the living room on the guest room futon because two huge pine trees in the neighbor's yard loom over the bedroom. LR windows boarded up. I don't know how he slept during part of it, but he did. Bitch.

The gigantic 90+ year old pecan tree in my brother's front yard fell into the street. T'other way, and I might be attending a funeral. Nephew got poison ivy in his eyes during cleanup and literally can't see because they're so swollen, but Apple has unlimited sick leave, so he's resting up at home, not scaring the customers.
Wore my hair up the first day back at work yesterday and got called "Sarah" twice. Apparently
dark red hair and large rectangular glasses = Palin.

Didn't say a word; just looked - both parties did what in a comic would translate to an audible *gulp* and assured me they were just kidding, so I apparently channeled Gwendal
and Integra with a little Joe from Gatchaman thrown in for good measure.

Have to admit - the benefits of being the elite associating with Those Who Are Fanatically Republican are pretty damned seductive. In Texas, the big three Rep bedfellows are insurance (me) Big Oil (Eddie) & construction. Amused to find that the same running election year joke is in his office as well - "Remember, 'Republican' and 'Raise' both begin with 'R'!" Wait in line for gas? Not us, when the owner of Eddie's company pulled strings to arrange for a 1000-gallon tanker in the parking lot! Wait in line for ice? company is having 20-lb bags delivered for us tomorrow. All free. Not that we'll need it for long - anyone without powet after the weekend gets a free generator from Eddie's company for as long as necessary.

Also, a huge Hurricane Recovery party is being hosted Saturday afternoon (before city curfew!) at a lovely hotel this weekend for the employees and Eddie has heard that some GOP bigwig (George Sr.? SQUEAL!!!) will be on hand plus plenty of McCain/Palin material.
Forty acres....and a MULE??