Though with the vast majority, I do Cliffnotes viewing where I jump throughout the movie because most movies are too damn long and pointless and suckage and all of that.
Walk the Line: Decent. Meanders too long in some points. Hilarious that June rejecting him meant Johnny had to get wasted. I had some fun with it. The audio gets a huge thumbs down. I can't toggle in between streams. FTW. I'm not going back to the menu everytime I want to change tracks. Also, none of the songs were subtitled, sending a big middle finger to the hearing impaired. Whoever made this DVD can go fuck themselves.
Monster: I don't know why this was made. The filmmakers would've been better off making an original film. At the end, Charlize is escorted into bright, white light. So she's like a saint for killing dudes or something? It had many effed up moments, imo, and I'm not referring to the murders. Oscar-worthy? I'm not certain, I'm just wondering why the hell my aunt would buy this.
Transamerica: Felicity Huffman is a dude. Kinda. It was an all right movie. Could've been better, but at least it didn't drag too much. Dolly Parton's voice is annoying.
Raise Your Voice: Yes, I watched a Hilary Duff movie, but she's cute, over-bleached hair and all. Problems became obvious when she and her movie-brother attend a Three Days Grace concert and it looks sparser than Target on a Sunday afternoon. They practically walk right up to the stage. And then when she's in a coma, her hair is neatly flat-ironed. Nice. I can see why it tanked at the box office, it's so contrived. The poor black girl wins the scholarship? I never saw that coming.
Duff's character goes from uselessly latching on to one male to the next: her brother, her dad, British boy-ho, scruffy long-haired teacher who played Aidan in Sex in the City. And despite that she carries some decent notes here and there, her singing is pure ass in this movie. So she probably should've lowered her voice.
Secretary: Kinda sucked. This chick becomes secretary to a bitchy lawyer-guy and though it was interesting when they would have spanking sessions, it becomes her being so in luuuuuuuv with him that she sits in a chair for days and pees herself.
I also saw that latest Jodie Foster one, I forget what's it's called. Anyway, that also kinda stunk. The film focuses a lot on this cop character that isn't the least bit interesting, funny, necessary, anything. Sayid from LOST plays Jodie's dead boyfriend and I kept thinking while he was being beaten to death, couldn't he just wrap his legs around the duders necks and break them? And I'm sure D will like the scene where she shoots some black people.