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Author Topic: [Rant] So sick and tired of shit being designed on some "algorithm"...  (Read 969 times)


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...instead of efficiency.

I'm going to be yelling into a damn cloud right now so skip the rest if you wanna. It's just your standard Nuri Complaining™ in a giant post.

 :rawr: :rawr: :rawr: :rawr: :rawr: :rawr: :rawr: :rawr: :rawr: :rawr:

But my fucking God.  It's all really irritating and I shouldn't let it bother me.

So the "instigator" of this post: Amazon Music. Amazon Music and whatever they call their streaming service for movies are hot garbage. They have been for years but I can confirm buying music on Amazon used to be fun and easy. Who the fuck gets these jobs to design and "improve" this bullshit? Where do these people come from? I can only assume it's a combination of nepotism, cronyism, and stupid old farts in charge who don't understand tech; and these old farts hiring some freshly-graduated networking fucks with a shiny resume instead of the smelly, socially-inept nerds that could probably actually fix this shit. That's the only explanation for this horrid excuse for apps.

On the music side, Amazon has increasingly torpedoed a good thing in the name of pushing their ugly, godawful Amazon Music service. They used to offer free albums, albums on discount, and they made it easy to get what you've bought. I used to be able to search the album and just re-download my purchase from there. Multiple tracks downloaded into a handy zip.

Right now, I'm rebuilding a music list and I know I've already bought some songs that are missing from my computer. The ONLY way I've found to try and re-download is to go the Amazon Music app, go to my Library, go to Purchased, and download from there. The ONLY way.

Yeah, that's fucking great if you've bought five songs in your entire life. I have over 2000 songs!  And there's no way I've found to search through my purchases AT ALL. So even though I know the name, the artist, and the album I have that I want to retrieve, I have to go through a fucking list of over 2000 songs and yank each song one by one. You can't search through the fucking list. I tried that. And it's one of those lists where it won't load the entire list but only populate the list as you scroll down. And heaven forbid you play a song because now there's no way to remove it from the screen and it'll take up about an inch of space at the bottom of the damn screen.

WHY can't I just search in my Amazon Music library for it and dl from there? Why can't I search the artist, song, or album in the Amazon Music library and have it populate a button to download what I've already purchased?  Because then I wouldn't be 5tr3@|\/|!ng!fr35g05hjgpo56  I already know what the answer is, it just angers me!

Fucking Amazon serious expects you to have only one song if you want any convenience in downloading anything or, more preferably, to just have the user use their fucking streaming service. I tried going to the album and the artist through the damn app and there's no option to download to my local machine even through you can sh@r3 d15 s0ng HURR HURR SHARE WITH UR FRENDZ or what the fuck ever. [screenshot attached to bottom of post showing ui when playing a purchased song with the sub-menu expanded] What is this bullshit? Put that sharing nonsense in the website proper. Fix your app before you try to make people share it. The fuck is sharing a song prioritized over downloading on a music app? So I can torture a friend with your shitty music app? DISLIKE?  WHY THE FUCK IS THERE A DISLIKE BUTTON ON AN APP FOR ME ON A SONG I'VE ALREADY PURCHASED?

It's the same bullshit as fucking YouTube. I HATE YouTube shorts. There's no way I've found to get rid of them. I can mark "not interested" on every YouTube short I see but YouTube still recommends shorts, still autoplays shorts, and still has no way I've seen the opt out of seeing this bullshit. YouTube, you're not TikTok and you'll never be fucking TikTok.

And YouTube has gotten stupidier at recommending things to me. Half the shit is shit from my own Watch Later list or shit I've already watched. The fuck are you recommending shit I've already watched?

I use "algorithm" in this post loosely because this "algorithm" is not a legit problem-solving one.  It's the algorithm on how these companies can force you to engage with their product in their way, not your way. It's not enough to sell a product; it has to be done "their" way and it has to be the product THEY want to push.

It's as stupid as how stores such as Walmart have those "dump bins" or whatever they're called. They are completely against organizing these bins because they want the customer to waste their time searching for something. Because the likelihood that the customer will make a purchase increases if the customer wastes their fucking time. I'd like to know where those metrics come from, how they are verified, and what the size of the actual difference is (in terms of statistics) between the asshole sorting through the bin to find "treasure" vs. the asshole who just wants some cheap consumable shit to easily peruse. I get that dump bin sorting isn't worth the time but it also shouldn't be a problem to have them sorted either. Also, I get the concept of a messy bin of pillows or scarves but why movies, music, and books? Which is another metric that would need to be considered (the type of product) in any data alleging that messy bins get more purchases.

Thank you for letting me vent. Can't do this IRL or on FB of some shit like that. I'm the only person I know neurotic enough to be truly bothered by this useless bullshit. Maybe I should've just written a damn blog post about it but whatever.


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I have to prune the front page of YouTube every other time I go there because of all the trash recommendations they make based on what I've watched. The stuff they try to shove on me has been worthwhile maybe a handful of times, out of... thousands? of their predictions.

For a while they were serving me all this alt-right shit, and I was like, "What the fuck did I watch for them to think this stuff is my jam now?"


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Ha!  I've been watching some content that has some folks with right-leaning beliefs and started getting a wee bit of far-right content recommended to me.  Come on, YouTube, just because I watched a guy unironically use "SJW" and "wokeness" and make a dumb Anita Sarkeesian joke in his video doesn't mean I want some right-wing news channel's cringe about JK Rowling "getting cancelled" WAAH WAAH WAAH.  Shit, I don't even want some left-wing news channel's cringe on the subject.  (Like, woman, you're rich and you created Harry Potter.  How the fuck would you get cancelled?  You still have a massive audience willing to gobble your shit up, but whatever...)

This hasn't happened lately but YouTube used to get really confused (for lack of a better word) and throw me fucking Minecraft videos, sports, rappers, and a category I can only define as "idiot tubers": you know, where the thumbnail has the YouTuber making a stupid face with emojis and a clickbait title. And the--I use this word very loosely--"content" of the video is people doing stupid shit. I called all of this "YouTube suddenly thinks I'm a 14 year old boy."  My fingers were getting tired from the "Don't Recommend Channel" constantly being selected as I scrubbed these recommendations out.

Since that dark period, I'll just wipe out videos from my Watch History if I think they're going to end up giving me shit recommendations.  Now I can turn my attention to such riveting recommends like...

The Magical Disappearing Square!  "Where did it go?"

Farrier ASMR *Satisfying Hoof Restoration*

Do Better than Emily in Paris (a French person's take)
  [Big brain recommend, YT! A video I already watched a year ago!]

My family's favorite breakfast! The tastiest eggs I've ever eaten! 
  [Thumbnail pic legit looks disgusting.]

But every once in a while, I get a gem like this one:


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I don't know if you ever read Chainsaw Man, but there's this one character, I think she's called the Cosmos Devil, and her only "attack" is that she grants you omniscience, but in so doing completely fries your mind forever because no one has the capacity to know everything.

I feel like that would happen to me if I ever fell down the YouTube recommendation hole.


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I did read some of Chainsaw Man but never got to that part.

This morning I was reminded of yet another "smart" YouTube "fix": randomly stopping a video and going back to their new godawful sign in screen. I used to sleep with YouTube on. Like a rain storm or a fireplace and shit like that. Sometime in December, the big brains at YouTube made a wonderful"update" that stops this now. Because instead of letting me sleep to a ten hour rainstorm, YouTube will interrupt with their log in screen. LOG IN. THREE WAYS TO WATCH YOUTUBE. WHAT ABOUT PEWDIEPIE? WOULD YOU LIKE RANDOM RECOMMENDATIONS?!;+&$6()))

Bitch, my video never got to finish. And if it did finish for some reason, YT's all "NO AUTOPLAY FOR YOU." Because autoplay's fucking broken. And when it does "work," it's fucking stupid.

"Oh, were you watching video #5 out of a playlist of 21.... well, here's someone else's video." PLAY #6, YOU DUMB FUCKS.

"Ooh, a video about Pangea! That's interesting. You done? Up next, two videos about ISLa|\/|!" PLAY ANOTHER PANGEA VIDEO OR AT LEAST SOMETHING FROM THE SAME CHANNEL I WAS ALREADY WATCHING, YOU IDIOT.
« Last Edit: Jan 15, 2022, 09:14:10 AM by B E C K »