The fuck does Windows fuck with my colors in every update? Every fucking time. It's bad enough Windows has a shitty-ass Dark Mode (a.k.a. "hyuck, we made
some things gray") that's unusable for me. But this is like the third damn time I update and come to find splashes of fucking white on my machine. (Which reminds me I'm waaaaay overdue in putting a proper dark skin/theme on this board but that's for another day.) This time, the entire background of File Explorer was fucking bright-ass white. To say I was livid was a understatement. Wastin' my damn time in trying to fix this shit.
I'm sorry for whining but my God I HATE white on my personal devices. It's too damn bright. GET OUT OF HERE.
I use a High Contrast setting since that's the only way I can get black backgrounds in simple-ass shit like Wordpad and Windows Media Player (for music). And I know this equates me to "old man yells at cloud" because I'm using the same antiquated shit I've used since my damn twenties but Wordpad (and WMP) work for me because they're fucking simple. I use Wordpad for write drafts and WMP plays my saved music. I don't want ten million bells and whistles. Man, I remember the days I could play around with colors in Windows to my heart's content. And now shit's literally made for dumbasses with tablets. "Control Panel APP." My laptop calling it an "app" is so BLEH.
So whatever... vent about Windows, too, if you want. Or Dark Mode. Or something.