I had forgotten. Which is odd, as I've played that game more than any other single game over my lifetime.
Didn't know they were planning a new Pirates of the Caribbean movie (is it Kah-rib-ee-in or Kah-rih-bee-in? Discuss) until I saw the trailer for it today. Learn something new every day.
Don't they say Care-uh-BEE-in for these films? In this case, I'd just go with how they're saying it in the film. Like that whole Constantine thing and rhyming it with Valentine vs Valen-teen.
I missed out on Chrono Trigger at the time, among other things (Final Fantasy VI), because I foolishly sold my SNES when we got our first PC.
That last Pirates was ultimate trash. How does this one look?
You sold it? You weren't allowed to have both? Or you just said "fuck this old shit" and got rid of it?
You know, a movie with pirates should be my jam but this goddamn franchise. Every subsequent film looks more garbagey than the last. After Black Pearl, they should've just made the rest of the films "The Adventures of Jack Sparrow" where he goes to different things and explores different cultures and finds himself in different shit. And meanwhile, he gets new party members of something. (Okay, so this rpg talk is maybe influencing my thought on this somewhat.) But no matter where he goes in these things, it looks like he ends up in the same grimy, dirty places. I swear he's just sailing around in circles. I did not freaking know this:
Wikipedia has the last Pirates as the most expensive film every made. Like waht? Well, these things turn a profit so we're probably gonna end up with ten more of 'em.
Also, I've seen the Internets buzzing over this:
I think the first few seconds already gave us more aliens and fewer safety pins than Rogue One.