It seems a hacker group calling themselves Anonymous *ahem* has waged war on Scientology, hacking their websites, DDOSing their servers and causing them to crash, harassing their members.
Just google Scientology in Google News and there's hundreds of news articles about it.I'm actually rooting for the hackers. Scientology is an evil organization run by rich people to control and subjegate the poor working class. I mean look at this organization
- It was started by a Science Fiction Writer... one that said "Writing Science Fiction doesn't make you money. If you want to make money, start a religion."
- The evil "Satan" figure is an ALIEN! And the evil spirits are from dead aliens that were blown up by nukes.
- You have to PAY MONEY in order to get into the so called church. That's like having to give Jesus money in order to get into heaven. In other words, only the rich or the heavy-in-debt are saved.
Only a dumbass would even consider joining such a fucked up organization.
Oh yea, and fuck you Tom Cruise. Your movies suck and you're ugly and stupid.