Dude! I had another one! With the first one, I was in a maze-like, sprawling residence somewhere with a bunch of bad people and a hapless ally.
The latest one has me in an actual tomb style setting and I have to say it was a very, very awesome setting like something that belongs in a Tomb Raider game. However Werner Von Croy and a group of lackeys were there. I went through a few levels doing okay but then for whatever reason I had to start all over again. I was out of ammo again but there were plenty of healthpacks and ammo all over the place. However, I was so eager to snatch them up I missed the boulder coming my way and it smashed me. Weirdly enough, I went from being Lara to being Lara AND me playing as Lara, and people were watching me play and all shouting "the boulder! The boulder!" and then they laughed when I got smushed. Then I woke up.