May be the wrong crowd to be asking to wish me, or all people, luck...but I'll take what I can get.
Anyway, I just submitted my first work for publication about a week ago tomorrow. It was a short article (about a thousand words) to FATE magazine. I still haven’t heard from them, but they said it takes from 1-3 months for a response so I'm not worried at about it yet.
What really sucks is that I had a potential contact with another FATE writer that lives in this area. I wasn't, however, able to establish this contact before I sent the article in. I have to depend on a middleman to help me make contact with this other writer and they haven’t been able to get a hold of them. I know this person’s name and could contact them on my own, but that would then get my middleman fired. And since they also can get me in contact with a Producer that has a vacation home down here, I don't feel like burning that bridge right now. So I'm going in without an advantage.
So wish me luck...cause up till this point the only kind of luck I've had has been bad, so I'll take as much good will as possible.