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Messages - Dagurasu

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Tropical Paradise of Hard Shelled Fruits / Moving to Arizona?
« on: May 22, 2006, 04:03:39 PM »
You should be able to determine whether he seriously wants to be a bridge to your independence, as I did when loaned my nephew money to get his car & set up his business, or whether he sees you as a conversion project.
He sees me as a conversion project, but not in a religious way. I'll explain in a new thread.

*waits for thread topic to change*

*twiddles thumbs*

Tropical Paradise of Hard Shelled Fruits / Shave everywhere? YES!
« on: May 22, 2006, 03:35:59 PM »
he spread his legs.. thank god for the blur! X.X

Tropical Paradise of Hard Shelled Fruits / Penisland.net
« on: May 22, 2006, 03:31:36 PM »
Oh really? I thought they just faked his death to get more converts, and that he still lives somewhere in Iowa.

I don't know whether to feel stupid or dorky for getting aDam's joke, or for thinking the same thing he was when he read this thread...

Tropical Paradise of Hard Shelled Fruits / Damn those Fries! ^w^
« on: May 22, 2006, 03:10:17 PM »
Was there apoint to that post besides "Look at how much I travel!"?
She's explaining to us how she's contributing to the spread of avian flu.

I've heard that the coffee was actually way too hot for human consumption and that she got some serious burns from it.

When is coffee not way too hot for consumption?

Tropical Paradise of Hard Shelled Fruits / Penisland.net
« on: May 22, 2006, 02:48:04 PM »
you didn't even click the damn link did you.

Tropical Paradise of Hard Shelled Fruits / Penisland.net
« on: May 22, 2006, 02:33:38 PM »

Tropical Paradise of Hard Shelled Fruits / I love the internet
« on: May 10, 2006, 07:52:55 PM »

Tropical Paradise of Hard Shelled Fruits / Moving to Arizona?
« on: May 10, 2006, 07:50:26 PM »
Route 66 is easy to drive though. You start at Chicago, go through St. Louis, Oklahoma City, Armarillo, Alberqerque, Hollbrook (I've been there once, the highway passes right through downtown), past the meteor crater, and into Flagstaff, where I'd head south. The rest of it's through Californa and is probably boring.

Should have been Route 69.

Tropical Paradise of Hard Shelled Fruits / Moving to Arizona?
« on: May 09, 2006, 06:30:38 PM »
I don't mind the idea of getting out on my own that much (except that overwelming fear of being homeless or having to pay a thousand dollars in bills a month). And all of you still living with parents can't say shit.

The thing that bugs me the most is the distance and the timing. Now, if he were to want me to move in 6 months, that's one thing. But he acts like he wants me to move in 2 weeks or so.

At first he just expected me to drive down to Arizona in my car without proper preperation. Normal adults go down to the new place where they'll live before they move, and find a place to live and a job to work at. He just assumed that I could drive down there and instantly find a job and eventually a place to live, after living with him for less than a month. Now he's decided to have me fly down there on a plane next week and look around.

He needs to remember that moving takes planning and doing shit. It's going to cost a lot of money for gas alone to drive 2000+ miles, not to mention moving van costs. I have to switch banks. I have to set up my cell phone for the new area. I have to register as a driver and stuff down there. I have to pack. I have to decide what I want to take and what I don't want to take. It's not like I'm fleeing the mafia here.

I really wish it was closer though. Like a few states over. Instead of across the entire damn country. Not only would it cost less in gas, hotel, and van fees, but then I could just drive to see my family.

I wish my uncle would stop acting like Arizona's fucking paradise. Ever since he moved down there he's been asking me when I was going to move too. I'd call him or he'd call me and he'd ask me when I'm moving. I'd go to visit and the first words out of his fucking mouth are "When are you moving down?" I have the right to choose where I live dammit.

And if he expects me to go to church with him once I get a place of my own... no. Nazaranes are too strict of a church.. they even frown on alcohol. I'd rather join a more liberal church.

....I have to admit though, a part of me is excited about the chance to go on a road trip and move to somewhere new and different, like it's an adventure. I just wish it wasn't a desert out in the middle of nowhere and lightyears from family.

I also wanted to drive the entire Route 66, so I'll probably do that on the way there. And then post pics here :D

Tropical Paradise of Hard Shelled Fruits / E3
« on: May 09, 2006, 04:34:46 PM »
Anything interesting yet, like Nentendo changing the name of their console back, or the price of the PS3 being under an arm and a leg, or some other miracle?

Tropical Paradise of Hard Shelled Fruits / Rita Repulsa dies :(
« on: May 09, 2006, 04:05:30 PM »
Why the fuck does every good topic have to turn into a fight between Tom and Faye? Don't make me kick the both of you into the void between universes so you can duke it out for all eternity... (bonus points if someone figures out what sci-fi tv series I got that idea from)

I only liked the original Power Rangers for it's camp value, the other spinoffs were shit. Don't know how anyone can take a series that revolves around preppy Southern Californian high school students seriously.

Tropical Paradise of Hard Shelled Fruits / Rita Repulsa dies :(
« on: May 08, 2006, 03:15:53 PM »
As evendent by the insanity on 4chan, the Japanese actress who played Bandora (Rita) in the japanese series that later was butchered into the Mighty Morphin Power Rangers died yesterday of pancreatic cancer.

Go Go Rita!

Tropical Paradise of Hard Shelled Fruits / Moving to Arizona?
« on: May 08, 2006, 02:43:57 PM »
Gah, there I go again.

All these times you guys complain about me bitching and being emo and I go and write another long and bitchy post! But dammit, I had to get that out. I may go back and delete most of that. Or make it shorter.

My uncle has a point. Stagnation and being too confortable with your life, no matter how much it sucks, will keep you from making your life better. I've seen 30+ year olds stay with their shitty jobs, afraid of going to get a new one because at least the shitty one pays the bills. And often, the reason why us people stay at home is because our parents are afraid to let us out in the evil world, and we're afraid of being independant and having to deal with responsibilities, so we stay at home where we're safe.

So a swift boot to the rear isn't a bad thing. And I do want to be independant.

However, after some thought, I think I know why I'm afraid to move to my uncle's place, besides the fact that I hate arid and dry places.

it's because my uncle's conservative and religious.

I think he's trying to make me like him. He considers me like a son already, I think he wants me to be just like him. The problem is, he's deeply religious, he thinks things like alcohol, profanity, rock music, and violent video games are bad, and he's conservative. When he lived here I had to deal with him and his wife looking down on everything I did.. "Do you think Jesus would approve of you drinking alcohol/masturbating/looking at pr0n/playing video games/listing to metallica/ect..."

I don't mind living with him, just as long as he fucking respects my beliefs and opinions. The world doesn't fucking revolve around Jesus.

Tropical Paradise of Hard Shelled Fruits / Moving to Arizona?
« on: May 08, 2006, 12:02:36 PM »

Yea, I know it's a long emoish rant, but when certain members of your family are practically forcing you to move across the country to a place you don't want to live, so they can form you in their image and make you grow up to be like them, you want to start stabbing someone.


Fuck this shit.

...there may be another option....

If I can get a job and a house by the end of the month.. prove that I'm an adult....maybe then they won't try to force me to move out there....

Tropical Paradise of Hard Shelled Fruits / Moving to Arizona?
« on: May 08, 2006, 11:57:29 AM »
Cliffnotes Version:

My uncle and attorney think the best thing for me is to start over with my life and move to Arizona with my uncle so he can show me how to become independant. Their idea is that I rely on my mother too much, that I'm in a comfort bubble and that the only way to grow up and become mature is to be forced to live on my own.

Why Arizona? Because that's where my uncle lives. He used to live in Michigan, but moved to Phoenix a couple years ago and now regards the place as paradise on earth. Personally, I don't like the state. I love forests and trees and woods, and there's none of that in AZ. Too dry, too barren, too hot. Rather live in Texas, at least they have natural trees. :P

All the reasons I've thought about staying in Michigan they think are irrelevant. I have friends here? Get new ones in AZ. I know my way around Detroit? You'll figure out Phoenix soon enough. I don't like AZ? You'll get used to it. I have a nice school? ASU has hotter chicks (this is my uncle talking). Might not find a job or place down there? AZ has more growth and oppertunity, you'll find something.

I just don't like the idea of being forced to do something. Being an adult means making your own choices, having your own freedom of will to do what you want.

Somewhat better.


Tropical Paradise of Hard Shelled Fruits / I love the internet
« on: May 08, 2006, 11:19:55 AM »
hearing everyone's responses I'm really glad I didn't see what he posted.

I should be irritated that I'm the board's whipping boy, but I'm indifferent. I'm assuming someone will make a joke out of this post as well, like "I bet you were disappointed nuri deleted it because you wanted to add it to your pr0n collection" or something to that efffect.


lolz (replace Ass-spank with, well you know)

Holy fuck!  :blink:

Tropical Paradise of Hard Shelled Fruits / Berserker! Berserker!
« on: May 08, 2006, 10:34:11 AM »
Did you watch the extras? The gag reels on that are the best I've ever seen in an anime.
Yea, I saw those. Some of them were humerous.

The anime only covers about twelve and a half volumes of the manga, if I remember correctly, plus there was a significant amount of stuff that appeared in those early volumes that never made it into the TV series. Currently the ongoing Berserk manga is partway through volume 31, so if anyone's interested in checking out what happens to Guts after that particularly nasty business, there's plenty of catching up to do.

See, I don't like it when shows do that, expect you to read the source material if you want to know more, rather than wrapping the series up in a somewhat better way. For example, if they weren't making an Xmen 3, and they just said at the end of 2 "Read the comics if you want to know more..." Well, the comics and the movies differ enough that any casual reader would be confused.

Now, Berserk might follow the manga closer than any Hollywood stuff, and I could pick up the Manga where the anime left off, but Joe said there was some differences and you'd be better off starting from the beginning.

Tropical Paradise of Hard Shelled Fruits / Berserker! Berserker!
« on: May 06, 2006, 02:21:10 PM »
I remember only seeing half of Berserk when I first saw it so I decided to go and watch the rest of it. Why didn't I believe people when they said the ending was messed up? That last episode was fucked.

Did I miss something? Like maybe a not-released-in-the-US movie or ova?

Tropical Paradise of Hard Shelled Fruits / O_O;
« on: May 06, 2006, 02:16:44 PM »
Lost will be boring and dull until they start killing and eating each other.

Tropical Paradise of Hard Shelled Fruits / AMV Hell
« on: May 06, 2006, 02:15:33 PM »
So that means if I were to insult you in some way, you wouldn't read it?

.......Well, I'm not going to anyway, since he won't read it.

Jar-Jar spent his time after episode 3 teaching the Millenium Flacon's computer how to communicate. He then died one tragic night when Chewy got in the mood for frog legs.

You know, I don't care at all about the "who shot first" bit. Not one bit. Not when you have such gems as Boba Fett's voice and the Ghost of Hayden and that fun bit after Greedo where Han walked over Jabba's tail and didn't die instantly.

Tropical Paradise of Hard Shelled Fruits / DERIKKU!
« on: May 06, 2006, 02:06:20 PM »
Personally, I think he should've gone with "Pedo-san" but that's just me.
Ahem, that's Pedobear to all you mere mortals.

This whole time it seemed like no one knew who I was, if they did they weren't being obvious about it. I didn't get one pedo jab from anyone while in this name. The only one I expected to know was Nuri but only because she can see email and IP addresses.

Oh well... So much for staying away from the pedo jokes. *puts on his bear costume*

*tries to google "Who does Faye hate" and fails*

Tropical Paradise of Hard Shelled Fruits / DERIKKU!
« on: May 04, 2006, 04:58:27 PM »
Since my secret's out, here's where I got the name:


Tropical Paradise of Hard Shelled Fruits / AMV Hell
« on: May 04, 2006, 04:54:37 PM »
Most posts by D are not read by me.
Oh shit, I've been discovered!

*puts on a Grievous mask and jumps in an escape pod* Time to abandon ship!

I really want my site to look like something that would be worthy of the CSS Zen Garden, but most of those sites are done by professional web design companies, and I'm broke.

....you know, I haven't figured out why I'm asking you guys advice, besides the fact I have no one else to ask and some of you seem to have sites/boards.

Tropical Paradise of Hard Shelled Fruits / No more anime rentals
« on: May 03, 2006, 05:50:07 PM »
Grave of the Fireflies is a movie I've been too afraid to watch, I just think it sounds too depressing and emo. Especially since you know from the beginning of the movie that the two kids are going to starve to death.


You bastards have hijacked my thread all to hell.
*masturbates all over the thread*

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