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Messages - Dagurasu

Pages: 1 ... 3 4 [5]
Tropical Paradise of Hard Shelled Fruits / l33t!!!
« on: Apr 22, 2006, 02:53:39 PM »
Don't do that, you'll upset the delicate balance of the universe! Cows will start having sex with dolphins and wierd shit like that!

In the "Killing the Kids" defense, those parents need to get a slap across the head for letting their children become fat marshmellows.

Tropical Paradise of Hard Shelled Fruits / No more anime rentals
« on: Apr 22, 2006, 02:40:21 PM »

I once saw End of Evangelion as an imported chinese bootleg. The subtitles were almost entirely unreadable.

Tropical Paradise of Hard Shelled Fruits / Kingdom Hearts 2
« on: Apr 19, 2006, 05:06:46 PM »
Dragon Quest 8: 60 hours well spent and I'm only about 3/4ths of the way through.

Tropical Paradise of Hard Shelled Fruits / Virtual day
« on: Apr 18, 2006, 03:40:12 PM »
Ninja Jizz?

Screw introductions, I hate them.

As you probably know, yesterday was the last day to send your taxes. If you didn't know, the IRS is probably coming to assrape you right about now. What amazes me about this day however, is the fact that so many americans procrastinate and put off doing their taxes until the last day, hour, minute, or, god help us, second. I wonder how many of them realize you can send in your taxes as early as January?

An example of someone sending in their taxes late:

Sometime in March:
Me: "I see you have the tax booklets mother, would you like me to do my own taxes? It'll probably be easier on you."

Mother: "Don't worry about it, I'll do them. I know how to do them a lot easier than you do since I'm older than you. Just make sure you pass your classes."

A week ago:
Me: "You know, I see you still haven't finished the taxes. Are you going to get them done on time? I could help."

Mother: "Stop worrying and complaining, I'll have them done by this weekend."

Yesterday at 9pm
Me: *Comes home to see mother watching makeover shows on Style Network, and the taxes sitting on the kitchen counter*
"Uh, you haven't sent those yet?"

Her: "Don't worry, I have 2 hours left. I'll get them done on time."

11:50pm Yesterday
*mother drives off to mail the tax forms while I put a gun in my mouth*

I only have myself to blame for trusting someone 20 years older than me to be more mature and responsible.

I'm sure that kind of stuff happens in American households all over, which makes me wonder why most americans wait? Do they enjoy the thrill of the deadline? Are they lazy and fat? Or has the Media/Government/School system programmed them to procrastinate?

I smell a musical number coming on.

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