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Messages - Merla

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Happy Birthday, Zac!


Tropical Paradise of Hard Shelled Fruits / Re: IDE Birthday Thread!
« on: Dec 12, 2008, 12:16:36 PM »
Happy Birthday! 

Don't forget to get tested..

Tropical Paradise of Hard Shelled Fruits / Re: I didn't know him...
« on: Dec 12, 2008, 10:18:14 AM »
Our neighbor was killed less than a mile from home.  You're more like to die close to home than on long trips.

I hate it when they put it on your burger, even though you told them not too, and then someone says. "Well just pick off" and it never works cause the juice has soaked in and it still tastes like Pickle.

I've actually gotten use to the slightest hint of pickle juice on Chick-fil-a's sandwiches.  But only on theirs.

Did you know that you can request a sandwich sans pickles?  I was in line at the chick-fil-a and this girl next to me told the workers she wanted a sandwich with no pickles and I'm like shit you can actually do that?!? I think it's just easier to pick them out but I don't because I love pickles the more the better!

Tropical Paradise of Hard Shelled Fruits / Pygmy tariser
« on: Nov 20, 2008, 03:26:33 PM »

I can't decide if this little guy is:

a) very cute
b) scary looking
c) an alien from another world
d) a creation from the Weta Workshop


The little critter is known as a pygmy tariser.  I thought he was some type of marsupial but it turns out that tarisers are primates!  These fascinating creatures were once thought to be extinct.




Tropical Paradise of Hard Shelled Fruits / You must use the force!
« on: Nov 18, 2008, 11:51:36 AM »
Check this youtube vid out.  This dude is singing a Capella about St*r WarzzZZ to the tune of several of  John William's scores.  It is hilarious! 



You still do not have electricity?!? O_O   Oh that sucks so bad!

I would had been shocked if she wasn't skinny. 

The fruit cup is a fucking rip off.
How is it a ripoff? It's fucking delicious!

I believe her fruit cup hardly had any fruit in it and some of the fruit was old.

I'd like to know.  I hate to make you think about it more but seriously I am interested in what you have to say.

Long story short.

Zac Shipley scanned a certain body part.  It was purple and smashed.

Around the same time Zac posted a picture of a Kentucky fried chicken head.

Later Merla opened a the fridge and there was some cr0n wrapped in foil but she thought breaded Shipley for some sick reason.  I think Nuri still had a pic of the fridge and the stuff in it somewhere.

D, Why do you always have to post about old news?

And because I know it's coming, it's not because none of them are under 18.

Oh? Well I beg to differ.

Tropical Paradise of Hard Shelled Fruits / Re: ARRRR!!!!
« on: Sep 22, 2008, 09:52:43 PM »
You know come to think of it I have never seen a ninja with a woman, period.

Tropical Paradise of Hard Shelled Fruits / Re: Mmmm, Pumpkin Bread
« on: Sep 22, 2008, 09:02:03 PM »
Sounds Yummy.  Can I use canned pumpkin?  I hate to do battle with an actual pumpkin.

Tropical Paradise of Hard Shelled Fruits / Re: DAMN YOU, FAY!
« on: Aug 18, 2008, 12:46:57 PM »
I thought the Tom/Faye brouha was over.  I'm trying to get a $6 million vacation home policy written on a barrier island - KNOCK IT OFF, YOU TWO!!!  :goddammit:

Yeah it is.  She admitted she would sleep with him given the chance and all was cool after that. LOL.

Tropical Paradise of Hard Shelled Fruits / Re: DAMN YOU, FAY!
« on: Aug 18, 2008, 12:45:56 PM »
speaking of, where is faye?

coincidence? i think not.

Didn't she say something about going on vacation?

The whole situation really sucks! >_<

Tropical Paradise of Hard Shelled Fruits / Re: Damn, 8 Medals?
« on: Aug 18, 2008, 12:42:20 PM »
He's not an attractive guy, but keep the goggles on and I'll stare at his torso.

Yeah my mom thinks so too.  I think he's hot and not because he has all those medals.  I like his smile and charisma. 

Tropical Paradise of Hard Shelled Fruits / Re: Help Me, IDE!
« on: Aug 12, 2008, 01:07:24 PM »
Hey IDE, how come you only run for 15 minutes? Why not more?

Tropical Paradise of Hard Shelled Fruits / Re: I heart the Olympics
« on: Aug 12, 2008, 01:05:34 PM »
Serves those frogs right for talking trash!  That was the best swim relay ever!

Tropical Paradise of Hard Shelled Fruits / Re: so
« on: Jul 26, 2008, 02:32:14 PM »
My new boss is pretty hands off and so is her boss.  It feels kind of strange but I could get use to this.

Tropical Paradise of Hard Shelled Fruits / Re: remember me?
« on: Jul 26, 2008, 02:23:00 PM »
Yes I remember you.  I always thought you were Knurph is disguise.

Tropical Paradise of Hard Shelled Fruits / Help Me, IDE!
« on: Jul 26, 2008, 02:21:15 PM »
I want to be just like you but without all the muscles and sex.  Well some sex would be nice.  Anyhow I mean I want to be in super shape.  I've all ready lost 15 pounds since March, watching my portions and walking at least 3 times a week.  I need some advice.  What kind of work outs do you do and How often do you work out?  What kinds of food do you eat on a regular basis?  I know I would have to modify because I'm a woman, I just need to get a general idea.  Thanks.

Tropical Paradise of Hard Shelled Fruits / Re: IDE, dude...
« on: Mar 03, 2008, 09:43:51 AM »
That was too much man!  People surf this site from work and school.  IT monitors internet activity.

Tropical Paradise of Hard Shelled Fruits / Re: Snow Crazy
« on: Feb 22, 2008, 01:05:42 PM »
WTF are you doing standing out there in a T-shirt!!!  Dude you crazy!!  I like that part where your cat locked you out.  WTF did you do to piss him off?!

My sis was telling me that Squirrelly had commented that Obama has fans and not supporters.  Yesterday one of my friends went to the Obama rally. She came back all excited because she got to hug him.  She kept saying that she didn't want to bath. ewww....  Then another friend commented "oh he is so handsome!" O_o  Not sure how that qualify one to be President.  Anyhow later that night I am watching TV and they keep showing all these people fainting at Obama rallies like they were at a rock concert or something.   At least people seem enthused about the election.  I wanted to vote for McCain but he changed his stance on some issues. -_-  Our country should do away with the Office of the President. We should have a high council or something.

Tropical Paradise of Hard Shelled Fruits / Re: Snow Crazy
« on: Feb 07, 2008, 12:41:12 PM »
Geez.... I was wondering how long your were going to stand there!

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