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Messages - MegatronYES

Pages: 1 [2] 3 4 ... 80
Tropical Paradise of Hard Shelled Fruits / Re: Movies I've seen.
« on: Nov 18, 2007, 04:41:28 AM »
With one of the most goodest endings to have ever been at the end of a movie.

Tropical Paradise of Hard Shelled Fruits / Re: Remember...
« on: Nov 18, 2007, 04:40:23 AM »
I'll cause you to leave the show!

Maybe that's your name.  :mad:

The name of your FACE!

Well then are you at least harboring the slightest bit of envy for my recently (two hours to be precise) aquired [Flying Machine] ?

I had a very detailed dream years ago where Nemesis was chasing Jill Valentine and me.

Except I was a little girl with pigtails, and my name was Roberta.

All of this is true.  :blink:


Actually, I submit that IDE is jealous of my [Horn of the Frostwolf Howler].

Although I do feel the need to point out that WoW fits my afformentioned label of "what Fight Club was attempting to make us all aware of". It's just that it's not fucking boring.  :mad:

Tropical Paradise of Hard Shelled Fruits / Re: Remember...
« on: Nov 14, 2007, 10:46:30 PM »
god damn it, would one of you just fucking LOOK UP athiesm?  ::)

Tropical Paradise of Hard Shelled Fruits / Re: Holy crap
« on: Nov 14, 2007, 10:45:28 PM »
I didn't think they really paid you that way for small-time stuff. Either way it's fucktastic news.


You get paid even if you're an extra when you work on a real set too.  This isn't a real set though this is a guy whose trying to break into the business on his own.

Shut up.

Tropical Paradise of Hard Shelled Fruits / Re: Teh CON!
« on: Nov 14, 2007, 10:44:20 PM »

Perhaps one day I'll publish MY ASS !!!

 :blink: See, that's how you do that, that's how you make it happen.

Tropical Paradise of Hard Shelled Fruits / Re: Teh CON!
« on: Nov 14, 2007, 10:40:31 PM »
/sigh....  ::)

Mutant+Ass= FAIL

One of the many equations I have stumbled upon spending lonely nights in front of a chalkboard trying to define all the laws that govern my many ridiculous catch phrases. There are many other, of course. Perhaps one day I will publish my findings.

I always wanted to call you "stupid"

Tropical Paradise of Hard Shelled Fruits / Re: FINALLY
« on: Nov 14, 2007, 10:37:43 PM »
As should everyone.   
Oooh! Christina Ricci as Death! Huh?  ;D

It would appear to me as though the wearing of said backpack accomplished its purpose entriely.

No they fucking don't.  :( They have the exact same montage for every single last player.

Sitting in a big comfy chair with cameras rotating around them with real glossy lighting and a bunch of close-ups of the guy frowning and showing off his bracelets.

Tropical Paradise of Hard Shelled Fruits / Re: Teh CON!
« on: Nov 12, 2007, 03:05:37 PM »
 :finger: You are.

Tropical Paradise of Hard Shelled Fruits / Re: Remember...
« on: Nov 12, 2007, 03:04:58 PM »
Why is the world poisoned with such an absurd, childish fairytale as Creationism?

Tropical Paradise of Hard Shelled Fruits / Re: Remember...
« on: Nov 12, 2007, 12:30:55 PM »
Do you realize how complicated the circulatory system is? The tiny propellers on one celled organisms? That just all happened by chance right? No my friend. Embrace the possibility!

I said that this has alwasy been much less complicated than the misguided have made it out to be.
A simple question of whether or not you choose to take pride in yourself for what you have done or will do in your life or whether your real and tangible accomplishments are not enough for you. And you make an attempt to decide as if you're acting for a higher calling of some sort, something "bigger than myself" ::) as is so commonly heard.
Why the hell do you need that?  ???

Tropical Paradise of Hard Shelled Fruits / Re: Holy crap
« on: Nov 12, 2007, 12:22:38 PM »
I didn't think they really paid you that way for small-time stuff. Either way it's fucktastic news.

Boring and unimaginative. Exactly the thing that Fight Club attempted to paint in a better light for all of us.

Tropical Paradise of Hard Shelled Fruits / Re: Teh CON!
« on: Nov 12, 2007, 12:19:16 PM »
Yeah, if he had shaved that stache off, this whole ordeal would have been perfectly normal.

Of the blood of those you kill?  :o


Tropical Paradise of Hard Shelled Fruits / Re: Remember...
« on: Nov 10, 2007, 11:52:50 PM »
*weird-ass re-post*

Tropical Paradise of Hard Shelled Fruits / Re: Remember...
« on: Nov 10, 2007, 11:52:01 PM »
Who's splendor?  :mad:

Did you do all fucking work?  :raiseeyebrow:

Or would you rather not take credit for what you have done? This has always been a much simpler issue than theist have made it out to be.



 ::) Yeah, it's such an obscure title, why would they want to show it on TV so much?

Tropical Paradise of Hard Shelled Fruits / Re: Remember...
« on: Nov 10, 2007, 11:27:37 AM »
I would have thought that walking outside and looking up would convince you of that, but apparently the ceiling of the weight room leaves you fully satisfied.

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