« on: Jun 23, 2006, 06:09:51 AM »
3:23AM is an ungodly hour. God himself takes this moment to SLEEP. Me? I can't. For the first time in a long time, I can't go back to sleep. Why? Because it's HOT. No, not just Hot, or really hot, but it's FUCKING HOT. After Skipping spring, having some cold, Rainy summer days, and generally some weird ass fucking weather, we're now back into the goood-read horrible-old fucking hot Summer weather.
So. With nothing better to do, I've decided to reflect some more on this anime my pal's been showing me......The Melancholy of Haruhi Suzumiya. I'm now 12 episodes into the series.
My initial prognosis had me thinking this show would be an FLCL repeat with the mind fragging, and sometimes it seems to approach that level, but then it just scales it back from mind Frag to Quirky, and then to Downright normal. It's nice. I honestly like it. I enjoy the more normal episodes I think, much more than that off the wall ones.
As far as an example of off the wall. I finally saw the episode with the Class President revealing her true nature and trying to STAB KYON IN THE FACE. Why? Because she was a Data Mage like Yuki. Now, some seem to call Yuki a Technomage, but I think that classification is wrong. She doesn't use Technology to do crazy shit. She's a Data Entity, and manipulates Data to do crazy shit. Now, By Data it seems to be the surrounding UNIVERSE, but We're splitting words.
So anyway, up until this episode I'm just thinking "Kinda quirky with normal moments Anime." Then this Data Mage Class President tries to Kill Kyon....Just to see what Haruhi would do. There's deeper reasons but we don't care about that. What I care about is the fact that Yuki steps in AND GETS IMPALED BY NO LESS THAN FOUR SPIKES GENERATED BY THIS BITCH, SENDING A SPRAY OF BLOOD ON KYONS FACE. Yuki's Bleeding like a stuck pig FOUR TIMES OVER. It was at that moment I went "HOLY SHIT!" That's the most off-the-wall It's been thus far, Even moreso than the entire Data-Cricket incident. It had a LOT of violence this episode, and a lot of graphic bleeding. A Real shocker.
Then you get to more normal episodes, like the most recent one. A Culture fest. Standard Japanese fair...which got me thinking about America.
My friend posed an interesting question that I didn't think about until I was lying in my bed at 3:00am unable to sleep.
"Why doesn't America have something like that?" That being a Culture Festival. I think I know why.
Japan is a pretty universal country. By Universal I mean that, unlike America, Japan overall shares the same Culture. Sure there's some differences in different regions and all that, but Generally speaking, Japan is one solid culture. Everyone is Culturally Japanese. SO, they celebrate this, in the schools at least, with a Culture Fest, which, if judged by the Anime's I've seen, is really just an excuse for the entire student and faculty body to have lots of FUN.
America can't have that because America is one big mixing pool of Cultures, beliefs, and religions from all over the god damn world. Everybody in America has a right to express their own cultures in anyway they see fit as long as it doesn't involve death or maiming. It's why that, even though we're not perfect and still a relatively YOUNG global powet, we're the BEST DAMN COUNTRY IN THE WORLD.
Why does this mean we can't have a Culture Fest? Because we have TOO MANY GOD DAMN CULTURES. If we were to have a Culture Fest, there'd be so many damn Cultures involved that ONE culture would start Bitching about ANOTHER Culture and Then Shit would hit the fan. So, THANKS A LOT AMERICA.
Anyway, back onto the subject of the Culture Fest Episode. I really enjoyed this one because of the Extremely HIGH Quality of Animation, and the relative normality of it. I'm amazed though. The Quality...the sheer quality of Animation on this particular episode is astounding, amazing even. I'm of course talking about when Haruhi and Yuki Are Subbing in for a band. They're both playing guitars, and the animatics of it are.....breathtaking. Especially Nagato, who is a savage beast on that Electric Six-String she got a hold of. There is no general "Blurring": of their hands just doing an up and down motion on the strings. You can SEE THE CHORDS they're playing, the finger positioning, and it's extremely smooth as they change notes and such.
To note: Yuki Fingerpicks, which is very respectable, and plays a Gibson (ACDC Style one I believe, I forget it's name) and Haruhi has a pick.....and she plays a Fender. Girl's got Taste, I'll give'er that.
THe quality of Haruhi's facial animations while she's singing is excellent as well. I haven't seen such good animatics since back in the Days of Batman:TAS...and even then, I'd dare compare this particular Animatics of Haruhi to Early Disney works in terms of quality. It's actually given me hope for the Cartoons of the future. Not much, Not enough for me to start watching Saturday Morning Cartoons again, but a little bit of hope.
As far as Character development goes, it's actally fairly Decent.
Kyon Is the straight man of the group. The Normal man, the Average Joe. He keeps everybody grounded...to a point....and pretty much is the de-facto leader, and has grown into the role as such. Sure, Haruhi CLAIMS to run things, but in truth, Kyon's the fucker behind the scenes keeping everything together. And, he's done very well in influencing Haruhi. He's.....what's the best way to put it....He's influenced her to the point where she can enjoy more NORMAL things, like playing in a band and making really horrible (yet startlingly accurate) student films, rather than go looking for PARANORMAL things.
Case in point, she and the SOS Brigade got into a video Game match with the Computer club...who they'd blackmailed into giving them a computer early on. (Me, as a red-blooded guy who sincerely believes that Asahine's real Age is BEYOND that of a high Schooler? I admit, I find the Molestation she suffers very funny. Shut the Fuck up D, I'll cut your throat out if you say one damn thing you Perv.)
Very funny stuff, especially when Yuki starts learning HOW to use the computer. She Ends up as this Uber-Data-Hacker, naturally, and Turns the tables on the Computer club when they start CHEATING.At the end of the Episode, Yuki also agree's to come to the Computer Club once and a while and mess around. Very Nice Development. She's developing hobbies. I wonder what her Universal Data Entity Big Wig thinks about that.
Asahine, besides the Molestation she suffers at Haruhi's hands, is the most one dimensional character and not at all my favorite. Even Haruhi admits that she's mostly just Window-dressing. That's her entire god damn role in the SOS brigade AND in the Series thus far. Fanwanking for pervs like D. I'm hoping she develops more or something, cause as is? She's very flat, character-wise.
That Esper Guy, who's name eludes me....I don't like him. I don't like him in the fact that he's very mysterious and very little has been revealed about him. Yuki came straight out and said everything she was, plans, and does. This guy....He's very.....suspicious. Like He's got an agenda all his own and WANTS to appear harmless, but is hiding a great deal of things that'll probably end up biting someone in the ass, and hard. He has Character Growth Potential, but it has yet to be really delved into.
As far as the B Cast, that being those that show up occasionally like Kyon's two friends, What used to be the class Pres, and Asahine's friend....Well they're not on the show to be delved into, but they make amusing appearances. After what happened with the Pres, though....THis's made me very suspicious about them.
A Few Theories I have regarding Haruhi and her SOS Brigade:
1: I believe that Haruhi is not the trigger for anything regarding The Esper guy Whatever his name, the Data-Mage Yuki, or the Time Traveling Bubblehead Asahine. They all believe it's her, but I believe it's REALLY KYON. Look at'em. He's the complete opposite of Haruhi. I'm not saying Haruhi isn't causing some shit to go down, but I'm thinking Kyon's got something to do with it too. He's the Normal guy, and that's suspicious.
For instance, the Murder Mystery Two Part episodes. Haruhi would've been QUITE content to spend the weekend exploring that island beach to beach, but Kyon and that Esper Guy were worried cause of her talk of being some crazy "Ultra Detective" and talking about Murder Mysteries and crap. That Esper guy, in cahoots with two other cocksuckers, sets up this Murder Mystery crap to keep'er distracted. I dunno. Seems kinda fishy.
2: Asahine's friend, the bubbly hyperactive long haired one with the black hair. I'm thinking another Time traveler or Data Mage. Either one could be trouble. After what happened with the class President, I'm pretty much suspicious of ALL the "B Cast" players.
3: I believe, failing my first assumption up there, that Kyon and Haruhi are the same person. In soul at least. Two different sides of the same coin, see, and when they're "together", quote unquote in the same vicinity, this is why crazy shit happens. You need two clamps to Jumpstart an engine yaknow.....