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Topics - PapaMidnight

Pages: [1]
Did you get tested? You know you should.

I 'm guessing it's not a coincidence that's it's so soon after Pride day.

Tropical Paradise of Hard Shelled Fruits / AT&T sells sex favors?!?
« on: Jun 02, 2005, 11:13:43 PM »
Phone companies are pure evil. But finally there is hope.

Go to www.eugenemirman.com/latestnews.html to the "Anti-gay phone company" part and listen to the three mp3s.


oh, even better

 :lol:  :lol:  :lol:  :lol:  :lol:  :lol:  :lol:  

Did you see the episode of King of the Hill where everyone thought Hank was a racist and he took an online test that proved it? I found the test and there's a ton more with it.

Find out what social prejudices you have the fun way with Harvard's Implicit Association Tests. https://implicit.harvard.edu/implicit/demo/selectatest.html

I took the Race and Sexuality tests. Results:
Your data suggest a slight automatic preference for White relative to Black

Your data suggest a slight automatic preference for STRAIGHT PEOPLE relative to GAY PEOPLE

Well it got one out of two right. LOL  :lol:  

Tropical Paradise of Hard Shelled Fruits / Hey, MegatronYES
« on: Apr 14, 2005, 03:42:56 AM »
I'm officially internet stalking you. Muahaha. It won't be long before I track you down and then your life shall come to a most untimely end. Eventually. I guess. Ya know, none of this would've had to happen if you'd answered my email. Maybe you just don't read your email. Whatever. Too late now, your fate is sealed. With super glue. And  that really sticky tape that always sticks to itself before you can get it on what you actually want.

To all others, please do not maim and/or torture me for trespassing on your board. And if I don't get forum lynched for this I might actually stick around and contribute cause y'all say some interesting crap about stuff and junk.

Ummm..... <_<   :unsure:   :angry:  SO IT IS WRITTEN, SO SHALL IT BE!

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